Dienstag, 1. April 2014
YABB - Yet another Baby Blanket
It's been a bit more quiet these weeks, as I have been busy with yet another baby blanket, shown below. It has a wide rim and two squares in the middle. I decided to add a crocheted rim in three different shades of blue. Even though the blanket is supposed to be for a girl. But in art history blue used to be associated with girls and women and red was associated with boys (see here for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue).

I used Merino 160 by Austermann, colour 210 - cream white and a 3.5 size needle. The main part is in seed pattern. The squares are set apart by a simple left-right-pattern - 20 stitches. The rim is made of two rows of half-double crochets (light blue and darker blue) and the finish is made of picots (in dark blue). As these were made with left-over wool from previous projects I cannot tell, what wool or colour it was. I am not the biggest fan of crocheting, but for these projects I go through the pain. For me, crocheting is rather unsocial, because I still have to focus on where the needle goes, while when knitting I can watch a movie or read a book.

The final measurements are 86cmx99cm (34"x39").

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