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Freitag, 5. September 2014
Travelling Part II
ceinwen_imaril, 21:36h
As mentioned in my previous post, I was travelling a bit over the summer. Part I was about the metal pins. During the second half of my holidays I had started wearing the silver spiral needle on the black pullover that I described a few posts ago, just as decoration.
Here is a close-up of the needle. It is approx. 5cm (2") in diameter:

When I wear it on that specific pullover it looks like this:

Another journey brought me to Dublin. Unfortunately it was a business trip, so I had too little time to explore the town, but one afternoon I managed to have a look around. I had checked the Internet before and of course there are some wool shops around. As I knew that there are some famous cable patterns, I wanted to look for a book on those patterns. So I went to this shop:
And I actually found what I was looking for: A book on Aran knitting.
It does not only provide ready patterns on how to make a pullover, but covers the basics, such as what types are out there and how to arrange them. Exactly what I needed, as I do not look for yet another pattern for a pullover, but I like to design them myself. The book is from the 1980s, so it does not have flashy pictures, but that is not too important. Unfortunately, true to the tradition outside of Germany, there are just written instructions. So I guess, one of the next tasks will be to translate them to charted instructions, which I normally use.
I also started to chat a bit with the owner of the shop, asking about traditional Irish wool and she showed me some wool by Studio Donegal, which look and feel really nice.
And she in turn noticed the spiral on my pullover, asking me where I got it from. So I got the two ladies in touch with each other. Maybe these needles will be worn in Dublin in the future ;)
So in case you have a trip to Dublin or happen to be in Dublin take a bit of time to check out this shop and keep a bit of space in your luggage to bring back some nice wool - not only "Irish" wool, but also others -- or for a holiday knit while you are exploring the town and the country :) Greetings from Germany to Dublin and thank you Rosemary for your time
Here is a close-up of the needle. It is approx. 5cm (2") in diameter:

When I wear it on that specific pullover it looks like this:

Another journey brought me to Dublin. Unfortunately it was a business trip, so I had too little time to explore the town, but one afternoon I managed to have a look around. I had checked the Internet before and of course there are some wool shops around. As I knew that there are some famous cable patterns, I wanted to look for a book on those patterns. So I went to this shop:
And I actually found what I was looking for: A book on Aran knitting.
It does not only provide ready patterns on how to make a pullover, but covers the basics, such as what types are out there and how to arrange them. Exactly what I needed, as I do not look for yet another pattern for a pullover, but I like to design them myself. The book is from the 1980s, so it does not have flashy pictures, but that is not too important. Unfortunately, true to the tradition outside of Germany, there are just written instructions. So I guess, one of the next tasks will be to translate them to charted instructions, which I normally use.
I also started to chat a bit with the owner of the shop, asking about traditional Irish wool and she showed me some wool by Studio Donegal, which look and feel really nice.
And she in turn noticed the spiral on my pullover, asking me where I got it from. So I got the two ladies in touch with each other. Maybe these needles will be worn in Dublin in the future ;)
So in case you have a trip to Dublin or happen to be in Dublin take a bit of time to check out this shop and keep a bit of space in your luggage to bring back some nice wool - not only "Irish" wool, but also others -- or for a holiday knit while you are exploring the town and the country :) Greetings from Germany to Dublin and thank you Rosemary for your time
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