Montag, 6. Januar 2014
Hunger Games Knit
In order to have something to place here, I looked through the stuff I already have around and decided to use this. It is based on this pattern: but I changed a couple of details - including the wool. I used Austermann Merino 160 - colour 233, which is a light petrol-blue-green colour. The wool runs at 160m per 50g - Sport / 5 ply (12 wpi) is another categorization.

The reason I call this the Hunger Games Knit is, because I knitted this while reading the Hunger Games series, finishing it, while watching the first of the movies.

The following picutes show details of the final work. Unfortunately, my skills in taking pictures are lacking. So bear with me.

This is the front:

This is the back:

This is a detailed picture of the back:

And this is a detailed picture of the arm:

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Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2013
Getting Started
Welcome to the knitting ranger. You might wonder, what a ranger has to do with knitting and if your answer is "nothing" you might be right. Ceinwen Imaril was one of my very long lasting role-playing game characters and grew into something like an alter ego. And one of my primary spare time activities is knitting. So there you go: the knitting ranger. My real-life is rather boring compared to the years Ceinwen spent on the road. I live in central Europe and there is not much interesting to tell about me and my life. What I _want_ to talk about here is one of my primary spare-time occupation: Knitting. I might add things about role-playing, movies, books, cooking and other things that I come across as well. But that's not the focus. The primary idea behind this is to keep people I know informed about what I am doing and the progress I am making - simply to save myself from writing e-mails and spamming others. But maybe it will attract the attention of one or the other I do not know yet. So have fun looking around my stuff, but there is one thing I have to note before going on:
Please be aware that I work both based on available patterns as well as freely mix patterns or develop my own. I try to state the copyright of other people's patterns I use. My mix or my own patterns are my own. Feel free to use them for private uses, but refrain from using them for commercial usage. Thank you :)

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